Guerras civis: recursos naturais serra leoa

9926 palavras 40 páginas
Guerras Civis: Recursos Naturais
Serra Leoa

Prof: Demetrius - Relações Internacionais - 5ª Etapa - Projetos

Mitri Benassi - Rafael Scartoni e Ygor Pradella


Civil War: Natural Resources and the case of Sierra Leone.

This article discusses how ethnic and social conflicts negatively in these case conflict for natural resources affects human rights and affects an country, and how international intervention for these acts in defense to protect these exploration from rebellion groups are ineffective. We thus compare the structure by which ethnic and social conflicts are triggered and an ideal scenario in which the state is incapable of guaranteeing human rights, in keeping with the United Nations perspective. While identifying the points at penalties are giving to the these exploration politics, through the foundations of human rights, we analyze possibilities for peacemaking in these natural resources areas, and how to raise the issue the basic condition to stop the blood diamonds smuggling. Finally, we argue that although human rights have gained relevance in the post-Cold War period, they do not constitute a cohesive set of objectives to prevent smuggling diamonds and to avoid big corporative companies to buy these illegal diamonds. Therefore, in order to understand the selectiveness behind interventions, we conclude that it is essential to consider other interests as Economics and Social.

Keywords: Civil War; Sierra Leoa; Natural Resources.


Guerra Civil: Recursos Naturais e o caso de Serra Leoa.

Este artigo discute como conflitos étnicos e sociais se tornam negativos, nestes casos conflitos por recursos naturais, os quais afetam os direitos humanos e acaba afetando um país, bem como uma intervenção internacional para esses atos em defesa de proteger o país contra grupos guerrilheiros de exploração são ineficazes. Estamos portanto, comparando a estrutura por


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