
985 palavras 4 páginas

A) Mark the correct option.
1. What is this text about? a. ( ) The author’s life. b. ( ) Kennedy’s life. c. ( ) The 50’s and 60’s happenings.
2. This text is: a. ( ) Formal. b. ( ) Informal.
B) Order the sequence of examples given by Candy to show what her life was like in the 50’s and 60’s. a. ( ) After she finished high school and left her friends behind, she felt a kind of revolt against her parents. b. ( ) She used to dance with her friends at the car club. c. ( ) Kennedy’s assassination was her first contact with a sad event. d. ( ) Her brother used to take care of her. e. ( ) She and her friends used to have fun at a park. f. ( ) Although she had married a nice man, she was not prepared for adult life. g. ( ) Many of her friends died in the Vietnam War. h. ( ) She goes back in time and regrets for having become an adult so fast.
C) Encontre no texto evidências relativas à adolescência de Candy em que ela: 1. Faz uma comparação entre os adolescentes de sua época e os atuais.

2. Relata o seu despreparo em se tornar uma mulher casada.

3. Relata a imagem que guarda sobre o assassinato de John Kennedy.

4. Relata o que seus amigos faziam com os carros velhos.
C) What do you think the writer means by the following sentences from the text! You may answer the questions in Portuguese. 1. “We never did anything bad, just good clean fun. It all seems so childish now, but life was great then.” 2. “(…) I wasn’t old, wrinkled, and chubby then.”


A. O assunto principal do texto é o estilo de vida das décadas de 1950 e 1960. Você acha que as atividades dos adolescentes naquela época eram muito diferentes das atuais? Justifique. B. Você concorda com a autora do texto quando ela diz que eles levavam uma vida mais prazerosa e saudável do que os jovens de hoje? Justifique. C. De tudo o que você já ouviu falar, leu ou viu a respeito dessa época, o
