DP 2 Periodo 1bim Anhanguera 1

985 palavras 4 páginas
Desafio Profissional
Lingua Inglesa I e Fonética e Fonologia

Diálogos entre Nara e Peter

Nome: Leticia Viana de Souza Silva
RA: 9605405202

Profª Tutora EaD Laís Helena Nantes
Angra dos Reis- 2015

1. Introdução


Passo 1 – Encontro de Nara e Piter no Aeroporto

Peter – Hi Nara. Nice to meet you! I’m Peter. I’m 20 years old, and I am from California. How are you doing? Nara- Hi Peter, nice to meet you too. I’m Nara and I’m a 20-year-old student. I’m from Monte Azul. I am fine, and you?
Peter- I am tired from the trip, but I’m glad to meet you.
Nara- I see. And how was the trip? Did you have problems?
Peter- No, I didn’t. It was good. Can you help me?
Nara- Sure. What do you need?
Peter- Can you show me where do I get my luggages?
Nara-Oh sure! Let’s go.


Passo 2 – Diálogo do aeroporto até a rodoviária
Peter – Nara, Where can I exchange my Dollars for Reais?
Nara- There is a Money Exchange next to the bus station. We are going there, so you can change it!
Peter- And where do we take the cab?
Nara- It’s next to the airport front door. Follow me.
(They took the cab, and now they are in front of the bus station)
Peter – How much was the ride Nara?
Nara – It was 37 reais
Peter- And now? What should we do?
Nara- I am going to buy the ticktes for the bus. Just a second.
Nara- Here it is. Let go to Monte Azul.
Peter – How long is the trip to Monte Azul?


Passo 2 – Diálogo do aeroporto até a rodoviária
Nara- It’s funny when you say some word in portuguese. You have a diferente accent!
Peter- So do you!
(They laugh)
Nara- But, answering your question.... We will arrive in Monte Azul in about 2 hours.


Passo 3 – Chegada de Peter ao Hotel de descrição do ambiente


Momento de propor ações integradas ao currículo a serem desenvolvidas pela escola

Ações que podem ser desenvolvidas pela escola

Detalhamento da ação

Adoção de produtos biodegradáveis

Substituir os produtos de limpeza tóxicos utilizados na lavagem de utensílios e dependência da escola
