Cultivo celular do metapneumovirus aviario

4197 palavras 17 páginas
Journal of Virological Methods 167 (2010) 1–4

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Propagation of avian metapneumovirus subtypes A and B using chicken embryo related and other cell systems
Lia Treptow Coswig a , Márcia Bianchi dos Santos b,∗ , Hafez Mohamed Hafez c , Helena Lage Ferreira d , Clarice Weis Arns b a Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, Av. General San Martin, 1000 Recife, PE 50630-060, Brazil Laboratory of Virology, Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil Institute of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the “Freie Universität Berlin”, Königsweg 63, Berlin 14163, Germany d Avian Virology and Immunology, CODA-CERVA-VAR, Groeselenberg 99, B-1180 Uccle, Brussels, Belgium b c

a b s t r a c t
Article history: Received 20 August 2009 Received in revised form 15 February 2010 Accepted 18 February 2010 Available online 26 February 2010 Keywords: Avian metapneumovirus Cell propagation CER

Primary isolation of avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) is carried out using tracheal organ culture (TOC) or chicken embryonated eggs with subsequent adaptation in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) or Vero cultures. This study was conducted to evaluate six different cell lines and two avian culture systems for the propagation of aMPV subtypes A and B. The chicken embryo related (CER) cells were used successfully for primary isolation. In addition to Vero and baby hamster kidney (BHK-21) cells, CER cells were also shown to be the most appropriate for propagation of aMPV considering high titres. Propagation of A and B subtypes in CEF and TOC remained efficient after the primary isolation and several passages of viruses in the CER cell line. The growth curves were created using CER, Vero and BHK-21 cell lines. Compared with growth, both yielded higher titres in CER cells during the first 30 h after infection, but no


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