Correlacione a biomecânica dos tecidos moles com as principais lesões osteomusculares do ombro

3323 palavras 14 páginas 1 Faculdades Integradas Fafibe Bebedouro/SP

(PHYSICAL-THERAPEUTIC ACTION IN THE PUERPERIUM) Ana Carolina S. Beleza1. Gilliane Paula de Carvalho2 1. Fisioterapeuta, docente da Universidade Paulista UNIP e Faculdades Integradas Fafibe. 2. Fisioterapeuta graduada pela Universidade Paulista UNIP. Abstract. The puerperium is the period in which changes made to the maternal body during pregnancy return to the previous condition. Physical therapy is very important in providing women with a better recovery in the postpartum period. Its role consists on the recovery, prevention, and treatment of changes on various systems. The purpose of this study was to describe the action of physical therapy in the puerperium. To do this, a literature review was performed. After selecting the material, a systematic reading of the references was carried out, seeking to analyze them according to the studied theme. The action of physical therapy in the puerperium has broad objectives: reeducate the respiratory function, stimulate the circulatory system and prevent thrombosis, reestablish the gastrointestinal function, promote analgesia of the perineum region and the cesarean section, recover cardiovascular conditioning, reeducate the abdominal musculature, and offer instructions about correct postures while breastfeeding and looking after the baby. Several resources are available in the area, for instance: kinesiotherapy and electrotherapy techniques. Keywords: puerperium, physical therapy , exercises, women’s health Resumo. O puerpério é o período em que as modificações imprimidas no corpo materno durante a gestação irão retornar ao estado anterior. A fisioterapia é de grande importância para melhor recuperação das mulheres no pós-parto. Seu papel consiste na recuperação, prevenção e tratamento de alterações nos diversos sistemas. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever


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