Comercio exterior

1218 palavras 5 páginas
“Signalons d ́abord que la stabilité est lê trait lê plus caractéristique de toutes lês formes de culture primitive, ceci em raison de la simplicité et du manque de varieté de la technique. Moins on introduit d ́innovations dans une culture et plus elle a tendance à demeurer uniforme.”
Richard Thurnwald, L ́Economie Primitive. Payot. Paris. 1937. Pg. 349.
“When I said that primitive society is all of a piece, I meant that there is in primitive society an estimate linking of all social activities. For example, the anthropologist who sets out to study tribal economics finds that he cannot understand them unless he also find out about the kinship structure, the religious system, the technology, land tenure and other social structures. In fact, from whichever angle he approaches such a community in the field he finds that he cannot understand any single aspect of it outside and apart from the context provided by the rest. As regards the individual himself, his activity in these various single social fields is entirely determined by his position in all of them. In our society our business or workaday life is very little affected, for example, by our religious life; indeed; we need have no religius life. But the primitive cannot be an atheist if be wave, he would be unable to take up any other social role. In his experience, the social field is one. He cannot go out of any part of it without going out of all it.”
Adam Curle, Incentives to work, “in” Human Relations – Vol. II. No. 1. Pg. 43 – 1949.
O trabalho nas sociedades modernas é uma atividade institucionalizada. É algo que tem uma existência substantiva, perfeitamente nítida. Na maioria dos países do mundo ocidental sua existência é tão concreta que se materializa em repartições especializadas no seu tratamento. Alguns países possuem museus do trabalho, edifícios onde se abriga, por assim dizer, a representação coletiva do trabalho e quase por toda parte está em vigência um direito do trabalho.


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