CE581 Modelo Ricardiano 04

1622 palavras 7 páginas
A introdução do conceito de
Vantagem Comparativa, o mais importante na teoria do comércio internacional Vantagem Absoluta
• Adam Smith na Riqueza das Nações: “If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a way in which we have some advantage” (Book IV, Section ii, 12)

Teoria do Comércio em Smith
• Por que há Comércio:
– One fundamental thing that economists agree on is that voluntary trade makes people better off. To an economist, the difference between domestic trade and international trade is entirely arbitrary. Therefore, it seems obvious to most economists that international trade should also make people better off.
– Persons trade because they secure mutual gains.
– These gains are possible because specialization is productive: “The division of labor is limited by the extent of the market”. It implies that any and all extensions in the size of the economic nexus promise gains to all participants.

Teoria do Comércio em Smith
• In Smith’s world of natural equals, persons can choose among specializations as dictated by the relative returns promised by the market, and, by inference, they can shift among alternative specializations as demands change.
• The costs of such shifts are, at their worst, transitory, and are eliminated as adjustments take place toward natural equilibria in which all participants in the nexus secure the benefits.

Teoria do Comércio em Smith
• There need be little or no concern with longlasting or permanent costs arising from market displacements. In Smith’s world of natural equals, the distribution of specializations observed emerges from the responses to the demands of the market rather than from any natural distribution of personal capacities.
• Smith’s “simple system of natural liberty” embodies the presumption that persons remain mobile as among different possible employments
