Cardinal numbers

604 palavras 3 páginas
Cardinal Numbers
Table of Cardinal Numbers Carcinal numbers from 1 through 1,000,000 | 1 | one | 11 | eleven | 21 | twenty-one | 31 | thirty-one | 2 | two | 12 | twelve | 22 | twenty-two | 40 | forty | 3 | three | 13 | thirteen | 23 | twenty-three | 50 | fifty | 4 | four | 14 | fourteen | 24 | twenty-four | 60 | sixty | 5 | five | 15 | fifteen | 25 | twenty-five | 70 | seventy | 6 | six | 16 | sixteen | 26 | twenty-six | 80 | eighty | 7 | seven | 17 | seventeen | 27 | twenty-seven | 90 | ninety | 8 | eight | 18 | eighteen | 28 | twenty-eight | 100 | a/one hundred | 9 | nine | 19 | nineteen | 29 | twenty-nine | 1,000 | a/one thousand | 10 | ten | 20 | twenty | 30 | thirty | 1,000,000 | a/one million |
Separation between hundreds and tens
Hundreds and tens are usually separated by 'and' (in American English 'and' is not necessary).
110 - one hundred and ten
1,250 - one thousand, two hundred and fifty
2,001 - two thousand and one
Use 100 always with 'a' or 'one'.
100 - a hundred / one hundred
'a' can only stand at the beginning of a number.
100 - a hundred / one hundred
2,100 - two thousand, one hundred
Thousands and Millions
Use 1,000 and 1,000,000 always with 'a' or 'one'.
1,000 - a thousand / one thousand
201,000 - two hundred and one thousand
Use commas as a separator.
The Number 1,000,000,000
In English this number is a billion. This is very tricky for nations where 'a billion' has 12 zeros. 1,000,000,000,000 in English, however, is a trillion.
But don't worry, these numbers are even a bit problematic for native speakers: for a long time the British 'billion' had 12 zeros (a number with 9 zeros was called 'a thousand million'). Now, however, also in British English 'a billion' has 9 zeros. But from time to time this number still causes confusion (just like this paragraph, I'm afraid). ;o)
Singular or Plural?
Numbers are usually written in singular. two hundred Euros several thousand light


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