14598 palavras 59 páginas


Two useful methods for the determination of BUP have been developed and validated. The assay results demonstrate that it is possible to use mercury(II) nitrate, which is stable enough and need no special precautions during storage or use, as a reagent for determination of BUP in authentic samples. The only titrimetric method currently available [20] uses non aqueous medium. The proposed titrimetric method is simple, rapid, free from critical experimental variables, uses aqueous medium and applicable over a wide range (2-20 mg). The spectrophotometric method is the first visible spectrophotometric method for determination of BUP and it is free from the usual analytical complications like heating and extraction. Moreover, the methods are accurate, reproducible, adequately sensitive and free from interference by common additives and excipients. The wide applicability of the new procedures for routine quality control is well established by the assay of BUP in pure form and in pharmaceutical preparations.

One of the authors (MASA) wishes to express his thanks to Thamar University, Republic of
Yemen for awarding research fellowship and two of the authors (MASA and KBV) thank the authorities of the University of Mysore for permission and facilities to carryout the research work.

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