AD2 Ingles Tecnico

1026 palavras 5 páginas
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina – Unisul
Campus Virtual

Avaliação a Distância (AD)

Disciplina: Inglês Técnico
Curso: Ciencia da computacao
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Leia com atenção o texto abaixo e, posteriormente, responda às perguntas a ele referentes:

The Next Ice Age

The climate of Earth has fluctuated quite a bit over the last 4.6 billion years of our planet's history and it can be expected that the climate will continue to change. One of the most intriguing questions in earth science is whether the periods of ice ages is over or are we living in an "interglacial," or period of time between ice ages?
The geologic time period we are now living in is known as the Holocene. This epoch began about 11,000 years ago which was the end of the last glacial period and the end of the Pleistocene epoch. The Pleistocene was an epoch of cool glacial and warmer interglacial periods which began about 1.8 million years ago.
The last Ice Age ended only 11,000 years ago and scientists cannot be certain that we are indeed living in a post-glacial Holocene epoch instead of an interglacial period of the Pleistocene and, thus, due for another Ice Age in the geologic future. Some scientists believe that an increase in global temperature, as we are now experiencing, could be a sign of an impending Ice Age and could actually increase the amount of ice on the Earth's surface.
The cold, dry air above the Arctic and Antarctica carries little moisture and drops little snow on the regions. An increase in global temperature could increase the amount of moisture in the air and increase the amount of snowfall. After years of more snowfall than melting, the polar regions could accumulate more ice. An


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